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December Update

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December Update Empty December Update

Post  Hikaru Kazushime 12/3/2009, 5:05 am

December Update Pb100095sffsf

Above we see comrades Jacob Rose and Mana, two who have been mentioned a few times around Run Around Kazu before- merry to be in San Jose California, after a 3 hour trip from our home in Sacramento.
They are standing outside of the McEnery Convention Center, home to FanimeCon, and the nearby Marriot Hotel - a fancy hotel that holds panels throughout conventions, meet-ups, and other events.

The two have traveled with me for a meeting that I mentioned here:
Thought I'd have a quick talk with you and give you an update on Run Around Kazu and my life at the moment. The event described above is but one that has happened within the last month. If you didn't know, I have been finishing up school, taking care of family, getting sick myself, and working hard to revamp Run Around Kazu and related sites.
I am quite fond of the new design, and I hope you are too. Please message me in the comments with any feedback or suggestions for the site.

I announced a hiatus from the blogosphere around a month ago. Since then I've done a load of web work for clients, caught the flu, and began planning for future events at several conventions- as well as organizing a few ideas between myself and a certain buddy that may lead to some pretty neat otaku events here in Cali!

The hiatus has been re-announced due to serious busyness and the fact that I am truly still setting up Run Around Kazu and the communities that are connected. (shhh! I'm not supposed to be here right now!)

You are reading this now because there is no way I could take a break from blogging- this hit me as I began to realize that, yes, MUCH is in the works...and whatever it is- it's a part of my life. So I'm going to blog it.
My life and passions are recorded through much dedication, and much passion- for you.

So currently I am letting you all know, that I am fighting through my busyness, illnesses, etc... to finish tweaking RAK and beta community sites like RAF, my social sites like Myspace and Facebook, etc:
So that I can keep a steady pace while keeping you up to date through the networks, and ultimately to provide a great blog and the upcoming otaku community site, Run Around Forums Beta, for people like you to enjoy!

Future Goals:
I'm closing in on getting my Flickr account updated to host my images and provide a great library of pictures used from all my coverages, news, and other articles for you to easily access and enjoy.

Also need to get a good profile in gear for those who want to know exactly who I am. So far the closest thing to a profile is here:
This is where my account will play in, and it will be fully customized with loads of information, and also a small version of the blogs written here- that means if you have a Myspace account, you can subscribe to RAK blogs via Myspace, as well as adding me.
I've mentioned before that a good blogger/social networker/journalist/person of business/etc needs a good profile- people want to be able to know who you are and what you do, and if you have business opportunities, a good profile is a nice thing to point to.

Upcoming Events:
I'll be unveiling a few things shortly on Run Around Kazu- as well as over time.
I'll tell you now, that the RAK team meeting with the FanimeCon staff was a successful one, and that it is possible that an Itasha event is in the works, and (I hope) a possible partnership with FanimeCon. A panel/s featuring my work within the otaku media, news sites, and Run Around Kazu, not to mention the Team LoveHate Itasha movement, are also possible events at FanimeCon 2010.
-FanimeCon is a yearly convention in San Jose, California, that sees roughly 15,000-20,000 attendees. FanimeCon is known for featuring guests such as An Cafe, Momoi Haruko, and Hiroyuki Yamaga, as well as having one of the largest Dealer's Halls and exclusive Otaku Swap Meets of all time. For more information visit:

Also- It is now official that I will be appearing with Team LoveHate and the team's newest Itasha at our home convention, SacAnime, to promote the western Itasha movement, and our designs. The convention commences January 8th-10th 2010 at the Radisson Hotel here in Sacramento.
-SacAnime is a smaller convention in Sacramento, California, which takes place two times each year- once in winter, and once in summer, and sees several thousand in attendance. SacAnime is known for featuring the best in english voice acting, as well as having an anime club rave, aspiring artists, gaming tournaments, and a decent vendor's hall.
For further info please see here:

Thanks for reading my December update, and please watch over time for exciting updates in the world of a Californian otaku, Itasha pioneer, and wacky news from Japan!
Hikaru Kazushime
Hikaru Kazushime

Posts : 68
Join date : 2009-07-02
Location : Sacramento, California

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